PG Wodehouse

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First Published 1940

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PG Wodehouse Quick Service

THE prospect of having to approach Mr. Duff, his dyspeptic trustee, for the necessary financial assistance with which to get married, frankly appalled that impecunious young peer, Lord Holbeton. But Sally, to whom he had so recently become engaged, suffered no such fear ; she knew what she wanted and was prepared to go out and get it. She volunteered to deputize for her fiance and beard the man-eating Duff in his den. The interview was brief. For nearly fifty years old Duff had been proof against attacks on his bank-roll and feminine charms, and it looked as though Sally would have to admit defeat. But even the strongest of men have their weaknesses. Duff had his, and a bargain was struck. On the face of it it sounded a straightforward arrangement; but the unexpected turned up in the persons of the irrepressible Joss Weatherby, " Mugsy *' Steptoe, the crap-shooting bruiser, and Chibnall, the over-zealous butler. . . .
